If you haven't already, you should go check out Chris Savino's
Adventures In Milk blog. He's putting together a short film about a boy obsessed with cereal. The film opens with a cereal commercial that harkens back to the old Jay Ward Cap'n Crunch ads of the 60s. Check out his blog for the animatic. Good stuff! Anyway, a while back Chris and I went back and forth regarding the Bloops cereal box that would be used in the film. I said I'd love to do it, and I'm finally getting around to it now. So, I thought I'd share my work in progress. First up, here's Chris' rough of what he had in mind for the box:

As you can see, Chris is looking for a throwback to the cereal boxes of the fifties and sixties we all love - a cereal mascot looking very eager to get his hands on the delicious 'real' pieces of cereal floating down from heaven. Because I'm a huge fan of these vintage boxes I got his idea right away, and I couldn't wait to get started! The first thing I did was start roughing out the character. Once I worked out the pose based on Chris' rough I started messing around with different expressions:

This first is a funny but fairly neutral expression. I was basically just getting into the groove of drawing the character. I knew he needed to look a lot more excited.

Next I tried the 'licking of the lips' expression. Fun, but Chris' character is too nutty and cartoony for this. Bloop needed something a little more crazy.

Getting closer. The old John K. biting the bottom lip thing. I do like this one, but perhaps he looks more like he's in pain than excited?

Here we go! I opened up his mouth and angled up his head a little. He looks like he just CAN'T WAIT to get his hands on those delicious fruity loops that are dropping down in front of him. I think I'll go with this one and push it even more in Flash. More soon.