
Mister Wendall

More experimenting in Photoshop...


geenpool said...

Very, very nice. Wow...another inspirational blog to check out everyday. Inspirational in the way that it wants me to give up art and work at a Tim Horton's because there's no way I could measure up kinda way.

Ridd Sorensen said...

bullocks! you're very talented. don't sell yerself short.

geenpool said...

giggle...(blush)...thanks. My wife tried to sell me once...but she was only offered like 5 bucks...so she kept me. Anyway..keep up the good bloggin'

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Wendall" was probably a great inspiration to you if you could execute a drawing like this....I see a potential "Atomic Betty" story here---he's a substitute teacher in Betty's class, and somehow, he's accidentally dragged along on one of her missions, and he DOESN'T know it, let alone what's going on around him....
