birdie to see birdie fly!! Here's a quick animation test. I think it's a little overanimated for what I'm trying to go for with 'Big City Birds'. The animation would most likely end up a lot more limited than this in the end (think UPA). Still, cool to see little Finchy finally fly!
sweet stuff ridd! that show better go! it'll be awesome!
nice cycle!, what is the premise of the show? Looks like it would be pretty fun.
looks good to me ridd...no rev's for you!
thats wicked ridd!! It reminds me when I was in seventh grade and I had one of those "damn seagulls" shirts with the fake plastic bird poop on the shoulder.I think I wore that shirt every day. I loved that shirt...
i'm with tyler...wud up? looks interesting.
awesome!! You could prolly even mix it up a bit with some bits more animated than others...a combo of upa and less limited animation...either way, i want to see more!!
kick ass ridd!!
great stuff going on here.
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